How to Create a Social Media Editorial Calendar

See on Scoop.itSEO & Social Media Marketing for the Travel Industry

Social media editorial calendars create a cohesive layer to a content strategy. Having an organized 12-month editorial calendar that slices up the year into monthly, weekly and daily snapshots can take your content to new levels of success.


Bruce Flinn‘s insight:

We know being in the social arena is important but we don’t always have time everyday to engage. This article gives us a great way to stay focused on our Social presense.


Most small resorts and hotels have a limited marketing staff that are over sbuscribed in their day-to-day operations. Having a Social Media editorial calendar can act as an extra employee giving the staff the flexibility to produce a variety of good social content in one sitting and then schedule them for release over a period of days. Remember to check your social dashboards for activity after your posts are sent to see if you need to act on any comments.

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